
International students testimonials


"Unforgettable experience"

Hi, my name is Mathias Werneck Zibull. I am 17 years old from Brazil, and spent six months at Yeppoon State High 2024 (Year 12). My six months in Yeppoon will be unforgettable for all my life.

I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to be a part of the International Study Abroad Program. My six months were extremely important for my life, the program made me evolve a lot as a person. I had never studied in a school as big as this one, Yeppoon State High is an excellent school with a wide variety of subjects to choose from.

The support that staff at Yeppoon State High gave me was incredible, every time I needed help I was welcomed and received with attention. Kylie Johnstone did an amazing job during my program period. I was unfortunate to have to change homestay families and my family change was done professionally and super-fast. On the same day that I requested to change families, I went to my new house.

I'm 100 percent sure you'll have a good time here. Yeppoon State High is a wonderful place for you to have a good time that you will remember for the rest of your life!

​“My time at Yeppoon High was the best experience of my life"

My name is Maria Stella Libenzi, and I am 17 years old. It was a pleasure to be a part of Yeppoon State High School for six months in 2023 (Year 12). I made lots of new friends for life! Their curiosity was the most amazing thing for me. The Year 12 students were even more curious to know about my life as I was about theirs. I didn't enter a school; I entered a family and I will always feel a part of Yeppoon High.

Students, teachers and my coordinators were always there for me to help when I was at first lost about where to go (I've never seen a huge and beautiful school like this) and with any other issues I had. They were always there with a big smile and lots of kindness to make sure I had the best experience ever.

Yeppoon is a small city which gave me everything I needed to mature, grow and be able to have a proper Aussie life. I had the fortune to meet the best people ever who let me enter their lives. I will always remember my coordinator Kylie, the most amazing coordinator, always happy to help us exchange students and to have a nice chat or laugh between the lessons. 

I tried to do my best to give this school a little bit of my Italian energy and positivity. At the beginning I repeated to myself to be courageous and to go up to everyone and start talking. Trust me, everyone will be interested and happy to meet an exchange student. Their curiosity was the first thing I noticed when I arrived and it fascinated me.

Thank you to Yeppoon State High School I made the best friendships, had amazing adventures and of course, had the best experience of my life!

P.S. For future exchange students, Yeppoon High is waiting for you with open arms!​

​​“Yeppoon - My second home"

​My name is Milla Baudendistel, and I am 16 years old. I spent 12 months at Yeppoon State High School in 2022/23. My year in Australia was one of the best experiences of my life. Nothing compares to having the opportunity to live a whole new life in a different country and to experience so many new things. The time in Yeppoon affected my life so much, it helped me develop myself further.

Yeppoon State High School is the perfect place to make great memories and find friends for life. It offers a friendly environment, where you can feel safe. It was the perfect place for me to learn so many new things and to come out of myself. Different to my home country this school had a big variety of subjects to choose from. My favourites were hospitality and aquatic practices. In aquatics we went over to Keppel Island for snorkelling trips. There were many times through-out school I was not just sitting in the classroom!

Being an exchange student is not always easy, there are ups and downs. Sometimes it is hard to live so far away from your family and to have a new life from one day to another, however at Yeppoon State High School I always had a lot of support from my coordinators and teachers. I always received help when I needed it.

I thought the worst thing that could happen in my year abroad, was to have to change my host family. I was wrong, because I had so much support from my coordinator Kylie Johnstone so that everything went quick and easy, and it turned out to be the best decision. My host family gave me a comfortable home and lots of love.

I am so thankful that I got to meet so many lovely people and made new friendships for life. My friends were always there for me when I needed them. Without them my stay here would not have been half as perfect as it was!

I am so glad I had the opportunity to spend my year in Yeppoon. My time in Australia let me grow every day and made me be the person I am today. Yeppoon really became a second home for me. 

"Yeppoon High is the​ best place to spend your exchange program"

My name is Giuseppe Vetro, and I am 16 years ​old and I spent six months at Yeppoon High in 2019. Yeppoon State High School is the best place to spend your exchange program and to have a great time. It offers a friendly and safe environment where it is very easy to make new Australian friends that will last for all your life. 

The teachers and all the staff of the school contribute to make your learning experience meaningful, maintaining a relaxed enviro​nment.  

You can also experience many different extracurricular activities on the weekends like surfing, sailing, and snorkelling. 

"Adventure is the best way to learn"

My name is Kira Fiedler and I am 16 years old. I spent 6 months in Australia as an exchange student at the Yeppoon State High School in 2019. My time in Australia helped me in many different ways to develop my personal skills and also to find myself. I experienced so many new things that challenged me to leave my own comfort zone.

My personal highlights are definitely the friendships that I made and my host family that supported me in every single decision I made and always tried to make the best out of my time. I am thankful for every single person that I met here, and Yeppoon really became a second home for me.

Also the teachers and staffs are really different compared to my old school, I always received help when I needed it. Our homestay coordinator and student coordinator both spend a lot of their time to make every exchange student feel welcome. Both of them helped and listened to us, when we had problems or just had a bad day.

Being an exchange student isn't always easy, but I grew with every single day and it helped me to become the person that I am now. I am glad that I had the opportunity to go overseas and the only thing I regret is that I didn't extend my stay!

“Exchange isn’t a year in your life; it’s a life in a year”

My name is Rosanna Vaitl.  I am 15 years old and spent the year 2015 in Australia at Yeppoon State High School as an exchange student. 

My time in Australia gave me many different opportunities to develop my personal skills and to challenge myself.  I learned how to build furniture and I’ve been to Uluru, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. I went surfing, played many different sports at school and got awards for my effort, behaviour and sports. 

The school staff supported me in every single possible way.  When I had to change homestay family, they helped me a lot.  Kelly planned heaps of different activities on the weekends with us international students like surfing, laser skirmish in the bush and a sailing trip from Mackay to Rosslyn Bay.  In this sailing trip we saw many whales which came very close to the boat. We went swimming at beautiful islands and learned how to sail the boat ourselves.

Yeppoon is a small town, but it taught me to appreciate everything I have back in Germany.  My host family gave me a beautiful home and lots of love. I could have not wished for a better one.  It was not easy all the time, but I grew in every single day that challenged me. 

All in all, I’ve had an amazing time in Australia and it made me into a different person.

Last reviewed 18 June 2024
Last updated 18 June 2024