Enrolment procedures for all year levels
We value every student and family that joins Yeppoon State High School. To that end we conduct an enrolment interview for every new member of the school to ensure your needs are addressed and questions answered.
To enrol at Yeppoon State High School you will need to contact our office via phone or in person to arrange to receive an enrolment pack. Once completed this needs to be returned to the school office and an enrolment interview time will be made with a member of the administrative team. At the enrolment interview, parents and students have the opportunity to discuss: progress at their previous school, specific learning needs, extra curricula involvement along with any individual assistance required for the student to reach their potential and subject selection.
Prior to the enrolment interview all students are provided with a subject selection booklet. Parents/guardians are asked to peruse this book with the student and discuss the subjects on offer so any questions you may have can be answered during the interview. Interviews takes approximately 30 minutes for Junior and Middle school and up to 1 hour for senior school. Uniforms can be purchased and school fees paid at the conclusion of the interview.
Contact our Administration office.
Preparing your enrolment application
Documents must be supplied for
all applicants to confirm the child is eligible to attend a State School
without paying full fees (as would be the case for fee-paying overseas
The following original
documents must be supplied:
1. Child's Birth
The school will require proof
of at least one parent's Australian citizenship. If one parent was born in
Australia, proof of Australian citizenship is not required. If both parents
were born overseas, the child's birth certificate must be accompanied by ONE of the following documents:
- Australian or New
Zealand passport (of prospective student NOT parent); OR
- Australian
Citizenship Certificate (of prospective student OR parent); OR
- Appropriate Visa.
2. Drivers licence,
Passport or Parenting/Legal order of parent wishing to enrol child.
3. School Reports
- Child’s school
reports for previous three semesters; (N.B. If you do not have
these reports, please contact previous school and request copies to enable this
application to proceed).
- Most recent
NAPLAN report.
4. Submitting your expression
of interest application
applications, including all documentation, may either be dropped into the
school weekdays between the hours of 8-4 pm or scanned and emailed to enrolments@yeppoonshs.eq.edu.au. Please note incomplete applications cannot be