Music Excellence
The Music Excellence Program is designed to deepen music students' knowledge and understanding of music theory through AMEB studies in order to extend their application in the dimensions of performance, composition and analysis of music. This is an extension subject for those students who wish to study Music further. Previous experience is required and acceptance is by audition only. This subject is an elective, which may be studied by students in Year 7 and 8. This class is designed to encourage the pursuit of excellence through the perspectives of instrumental music, music history and aural skills. It will also help students to develop a sense of professionalism and discipline in all their future endeavours.
Sporting Excellence
The Health and Physical Education Curriculum includes Netball and Rugby League focused classes. Students study similar theoretical units to that of the core classes but are able to focus on their chosen sport in a practical setting. Instructed by qualified teachers highly skilled in the particular sports, students are provided the opportunity to develop their performance abilities and tactical game-play exclusive to either Netball or Rugby League.
Language Excellence
The Japanese Excellence program provides students with the opportunity to experience Languages immersion – classes delivered entirely in Japanese! This experience is rare outside of the state's Southeast corner.
Japanese Excellence students participate in extension instruction, alongside their high achieving and passionate peers. The program facilitates real life opportunities for students to interact with Japanese students from our sister school, Wako Kokusai, Saitama, Japan.
Students are offered the opportunity to take part in an optional study tour to Japan, in Year 11 or 12. Graduates of this program are equipped with intercultural skills required in today's competitive, globalised world, such as tolerance, empathy, intuition and a curiosity for different cultures and customs. Bilingualism is one of the 21st century's most employable skills and can open a wide variety of career options. This program is delivered by a team of highly dedicated teachers, who share a wealth of knowledge about Japanese language and culture.