Student resilience and wellbeing are essential for both academic and social development, and are optimised by safe, supportive and respectful environments. Schools share this responsibility with the whole community. All students at Yeppoon State High School are assigned a care class teacher who plays a crucial role in monitoring student wellbeing and attendance along with class teachers. In each sub school, Junior (Years 7 & 8), Middle (Years 9 & 10) and Senior (Years 11 & 12) a Head of Department works with staff, students and families to monitor wellbeing, behaviour and academic progress.
Our Student Wellbeing Team provide proactive and supportive programs to improve student engagement and learning outcomes. This collective group provides a holistic range of support services for all students and consists of:
• Community Education Counsellor
• Guidance Officers
• Guidance Officer- Student Wellbeing
• Industry and Vocational Training Officer
• School Chaplain
• School Based Youth Health Nurse
• Youth Support Co-ordinator
• Youth Worker.
A whole school approach to student wellbeing involves all parts of the school working together and being committed to creating a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. A whole school approach is evidence-based and tailored to the individual needs of the school community.