
Vocational education


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Yeppoon State High School provides a diverse selection of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses designed to enhance practical skills and knowledge. These courses contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education and can also be used in the calculation of a tertiary entrance rank score for university applications.  We offer the appropriate facilities and teachers with relevant industry knowledge, experience and currency to train and assess VET programs.

To ensure students are prepared, all participants must complete a VET Induction as part of their enrolment. For those who believe they have relevant prior skills, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can be applied for. Should any student have concerns about their training or assessment, they can address these issues through our Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

We offer the following courses face to face:

​Yeppoon State High School RTO 30459

  • Certificate II in Skills for Work & Vocational Pathways FSK20119
  • Certificate I in Basic Financial Literacy Skills FNS10120

My Industry Training (Adapt Education) RTO 32452

  • Certificate l in Construction CPC10120
  • Certificate II in Engineering Pathways MEM20413 (Commencing 2025)
  • White Card - Construction Safety Induction

Binnacle Training RTO 31319

  • Introduction to Sport, Fitness & Recreation
  • Certificate III in Fitness SIS30321 (Includes - Certificate ll in Sport and Recreation SIS20122) 
  • Certificate lll in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation SIS30122 (Includes - Certificate ll in Sport and Recreation SIS20122)

​​​​Connect 'n' Grow RTO 40518

  • Certificate III in Health Services Assistance - HLT33115 (Includes - Certificate ll in Health Support Services HLT23215)
  • AIN (Assisting in Nursing Work in Acute Care)

ABC Training RTO 5800

  • Certificate II in Sampling & Measurement MSL20122
  • Certificate III in Laboratory Skills MSL30122​

iVET RTO 40548

  • Certificate II in Active Volunteering CHC24015

Aviation Australia RTO 30770

  • Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance MEA20518
  • Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) AVI30419 (Commencing 2025)​

Work experience

Work experience is organised for students in Year 10 and upon request for students in Year 11 and 12 at Yeppoon State High School. Work experience allows students to gain experience or knowledge in a variety or work situations to help them in future career choices.  Experience in the workplace is invaluable in building confidence, self-esteem, discipline and team work.  

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs)

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are available to students in Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12.  Senior Schooling staff help students with information about opportunities as well assisting students with applications for these positions.  Traineeships and Apprenticeships involve paid work as well as off the job training towards a recognised qualification that will contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education and appear on their Senior Statement.  In many cases school-based traineeships and apprenticeships lead to post-school job prospects. 

Previous students have successfully completed school-based apprenticeships/traineeships in the areas of automotive, engineering, hairdressing, allied health, aged care, disability services, electrical, business administration, retail and horticulture.  Students interested in a school-based apprenticeship/traineeship are encouraged to see the staff located within the Capricorn Coast Trade Training Centre. 

Unique student identifier (USI)

All students studying a VET qualification must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before enrolment and Statement of Attainment or qualification can be awarded.​ 

Students need to apply for their USI at and give a copy of this number to the Senior Schooling for recording in the Student Management System.

Last reviewed 28 November 2024
Last updated 28 November 2024