Our mission
Our mission statement is to 'Inspire
and achieve success through opportunities for all'.
Our mantra
Our mantra ‘Together we succeed’ reflects the collective and collaborative effort of teachers, students, parents and carers. We believe there is no “I” in TEAMS and that through genuine collaboration and team work together with a strong relationship with our Parents and Citizens' Association, we will succeed, and move our school towards our strategic goals.
Our values
Yeppoon State High School is committed to providing a learning environment that upholds the values of Spirit, Teamwork, Accountability, Respect and Safety. Students and staff work as a team to ensure academic and social learning outcomes are maximised for all. This is achieved by creating quality learning experiences and positive relationships, within a safe, inclusive and disciplined school environment.
Modelling values for the entire school community is central to the role of the Principal, all leaders and every staff member at Yeppoon High. Our values are captured within our STARS expectations and include:

From our participation in sporting, music, vocational and academic events state wide, it is our ability to work together that gives us our strength and allows us to achieve our dreams, because ‘Together we succeed’.