Yeppoon State High School (YSHS) is a full-uniform school. The school is committed to building a proud reputation and the uniform is regarded by the school community as being important in encouraging a sense of self-esteem, belonging and self-discipline in our students. All students are expected to observe the details of the correct attire and appearance.
Students must be wearing the complete day or formal uniform in accordance with school routine and this policy. Students should present in a neat and tidy manner at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, whilst travelling to and from school, or whenever a student is out in the community wearing the school uniform. This high standard will ensure that our students represent themselves and our school in an outstanding way.
The uniform has been designed in consultation with the Parents and Citizen Association (P & C), and with the elements of safety, comfort, climate, modesty, cost, efficiency, social equity, community values and activity taken into account.
This policy has been developed in accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Sections360-363)[“The Act”] and the Department of Education and Training policy SMS-PR-022: Student Dress Code in relation to implementing student dress codes in Queensland State schools. It clearly explains and documents the standards of acceptable dress at YSHS.
The YSHS Dress Code is endorsed by the Yeppoon State High School Parents and Citizens Association (P and C).
The Uniform Shop uses an online Flexischools ordering system. Orders and payments can be placed via the Flexischools website (, or by downloading the app to your mobile device.
Uniform shop hours and location
The school uniform shop is open from 7.30 am - 9.00 am each weekday and is located at the school tuckshop. The uniform shop is also open from 9.00 am - 2.00 pm each weekday by appointment only - phone 4925 1316.
Following extensive consultation with the Yeppoon State High School Student Action Group, our P&C and school staff, a second jacket has been added to our winter uniform option. Our new winter jacket ($47.50) is now available for purchase online directly with Wearitto (not through the school uniform shop):
Fleecy Zip Jacket Yeppoon SHS - Winterwear - Yeppoon State High School - Schools - Wearitto

Please refer to the size chart below for the fleecy zip jacket from Weareco.

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