Preparing for external assessment
The QCAA has developed a suite of videos to help Year 12 students prepare for external assessments in General Subjects. They include insights and advice from QCAA learning area managers.
View all the videos on the QCAA YouTube channel playlist.
External assessment timetable
External assessments will be held annually in Term 4.
The external assessment timetable has been designed to:
minimise clashes for students across the 17 days of external assessments. Where there is a clash within a morning or afternoon session, students will be allocated to the alternative session on the same day
ensure students sit no more than two external assessments on one day
provide sufficient breaks between external assessments for popular courses and frequently combined courses
enable all external assessments to be marked in time for students to receive their final Year 12 results.
Term 1 2025 - Year 12 exam block

Term 1 2025 - Year 11 exam block

Information for students and parents/carers
Directions for students: External assessment (PDF, 175.3 KB) — directions students must follow when sitting external assessment.
Equipment list: External assessment (PDF, 244.6 KB) — information about approved equipment for all assessment, QCAA-approved calculators, student devices, subject-specific equipment, and prohibited materials.
Missed exams and
assessment extensions
for access arrangements and reasonable adjustments
All students are required to complete assessment and
exams on the scheduled dates. If you are unable to attend a scheduled
exam or submit an assessment item on the due date, you need to communicate with
the school immediately with a valid reason to ensure that you may still have
the assessment counted towards your semester’s result.
If a student has missed
an exam, or requires an extension to an assignment, please download the Request
for AARA form on the right hand side of this page and follow the steps to
Not contacting the
school is likely to see a student with a non-submit for the missed exam or
assessment item. This may mean that a student is not-rated for the
semester, which could have a significant impact on your pathway and ability to
achieve their QCE, or continued enrolment in subjects in the following
If you have missed an exam or require an extension please complete the Request for AARA form and attach your supporting documentation (e.g. Medical Certificate) and forward to the Dean for Junior School (, Dean for Middle School (, or Dean for Senior School (
AARA resources
QCAA have created new AARA school and student statement templates to the QCAA website to inform and support AARA applications.
You can access the templates, as well as step-by-step instructions about how to complete an AARA application on the QCAA website - AARA process.